Committee member Chris Gill, has put a Communication Book in Church, here she explains why:
“The reason I suggested having a communication book was that I noticed a regular member of our Church had been missing for several weeks, and we had no idea where they lived, or how we might contact them.
When they did return, it was obvious that they were extremely unwell. After speaking with them, I established that they lived alone, and felt that if we had had a contact number we could have enquired if they were OK and we may have added their name to the Healing Book if they wished. This made me think there must be other regular members of our congregation that would appreciate a message or perhaps a card if they are feeling isolated or undergoing hospital treatment, and need to feel that we are all thinking of them, and that they are not ‘alone’.
Obviously this is entirely a personal decision, and only those members that wish to be contacted can add their name and method of contact to the book. Myself and Fleur are prepared to check the book regularly and take the appropriate action.”