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The Healers at Thundersley Christian Spiritualist Church bring you two monthly Online Moon Circles to help you focus on self healing, and healing others.
Moon Circle members get access to our meditation and healing content released every new & full moon including:
? New Moon Mind Journey Audio Meditation,
? Full Moon Mind Journey Audio Meditation,
? New Moon Mind Exercise Worksheets,
? Full Moon Mind Exercise Worksheets,
Using the Magic of the Moon
The universal laws are generally agreed to be those of Balance, Correspondence, Karma, Opportunity and Reincarnation. The law of correspondence is also called the law of attraction.
The law of attraction states that like-attracts-like, so you attract to yourself those things you focus on. When you are aware of this you can use it to draw to you those conditions you want.
A good way of working with the law of attraction is to consciously focus on what you want, and you can use the phases of the moon to make sure you have a boost of positive energy to help you.
The New Moon ?
The new moon is the time to think about what you want to achieve or how you want your life to be. Each month our guided meditations and worksheets help you focus on those things such as:
- More confidence,
- More contentment,
- Better health,
- Promotion at work,
- A different job,
- A better relationship,
- Or something material
The Full Moon ?
You may have already achieved your goal. If not,
This is the time to;
- Look for results, assess where you are, and see how close to achieving your wish you are. You may be nearer than you think.
- Forgive and let go of past hurts and angers. They only hold you back.
- Be grateful for what you have already, including what you have achieved.
- Look for signs that good things are on the way.
- Check how you feel about your wishes now.
Join our Online Moon Circle for just £6 per month
(All Funds for the Church)
The Zodiac
Our Moon Circle will focus on the characteristics of the different zodiac signs which change each month, and usually line up with the month that the sun signs begin.
Each zodiac sign has a different energy, depending on the element and quality associated with it. For example:
- Fire,
- Earth,
- Air,
- Water,
Our meditation and exercises are optimised for each new moon as a new zodiac sign begins.
Where Do the Funds Go?
At Thundersley Christian Spiritualist Church, all our helpers, committee and trustees are volunteers. They take no money from the Church.
However, the Church still has bills to pay including:
- Maintenance of the Building,
- Water Rates,
- Electricity,
- Internet,
- Safety Equipment including Fire Extinguishers and First Aid Kits,
- Cleaning Products including COVID-Secure Sanitizer etc.
Due to the Coronavirus lockdown our Church has been closed since 18th March 2020, which means we have had NO free-will collections from our normal services but the bills have still needed to be paid.
The Moon Circle is a way for you to be part of our growing online community and make a small contribution to the running of the Church.
We have had some kind donations via PayPal which we very much appreciate.
- Subscribe to our Moon Circle,
- Find out more about our Fundraising,
- Make a separate PayPal donation to our Church.